Manage your company

This article contains instructions on how to view and edit your company profile and the associated users.

View company profile

To create a more transparent platform, other members of Montel Match will be able to view some of the information from your company profile. We do this so that you can attract more attention from a wider range of Montel Match users and build your network of trading parties more easily. However, all sensitive information will always remain private.

Click "My company" to view your company profile.

To update or change any information in your company profile, click on the "Edit profile" button in the bottom right.

Edit company profile

The list below explains which information on your company profile will be publicly visible:

  • Company name
  • Region
  • Currencies
  • VAT/registration no.
  • Market role
  • Description
  • Technology
  • Products
  • Trading frequency
  • Labels
  • Nymber of certificates per year
  • Registry operator
  • EECS registry
  • Subsidised
  • Social media channels

  1. Add your company logo to be more visible. Click on the upload icon to select logo.
  2. Click on "Save changes" after updating or changing the information in your company profile.

Manage users and user requests

Each company can manage users and user requests under "My company".

  1. Click "My company".
  2. Click "Users". This will open the user overview (below).

User overview displays all company users, as well as users who has requested to join your company in Montel Match. You can choose whether to “Accept” or “Decline” these users.

Click “Accept” and a popup window appears where you assign the user's role in the company (see roles and permissions on the next page).

Manage user's roles and permissions

By accepting a request you will have to assign the users a role in the company. This will decide their permissions on Montel Match.

See below for user roles:

  • Trade manager
    • Trade, receive trade confirmation on behalf of
      other traders, change company information,
      manage users, connect with counterparties,
      manage requests and cancel trades.
  • Trader
    • Trade, receive trade confirmations on their own
      trades, connect with counterparties and manage
  • Back office
    • Trade confirmation, connect with counterparties,
      manage requests, edit company details,
      administrate users and roles.
  • Read only
    • See prices on screen and Montel Match members.

Choose role and click "Assign".

Edit role or remove a user from the company

Edit user role or remove user by clicking on the three dots on the right-hand side of the user field. This opens a popup with either “Manage roles” or “Remove user”.

Choose a role from the drop-down list and click "Change".

Click "Remove" to remove user from your company.

Invite users to join your company

Click "+ Invite user" to invite users to join your company. An email invitation box will then pop up.

Type in the email address(es) of your choice and click “Send” to send the invitation to a new user. Separate emails with commas.